“The rain it raineth on the just
And also on the unjust fella;
But chiefly on the just, because
The unjust hath the just’s umbrella.”
– Charles Bowen
This little box is made with strands of porcelain drawn in place by hand. The lid depicts curlicued clouds while silvered drops of rain appear on the latticed walls. Inside, the rain drops form rings on the puddled box floor. There are two more tiny porcelain-lace boxes here, each with the face of a ‘fella’ on the lid. Inside the unjust’s box is a teeny tiny porcelain and gold umbrella.
Lungwort lichen, Lobaria pulmonaria, appears on this piece from a press-moulded cast taken in Acadia National Park from fallen material. Its delicately veined form is suspended in a matrix of hand-drawn porcelain strands patterned with gilded shapes. 7x6x3″, porcelain fired to cone 5 oxidation, glazed and lustered.
A small lacy vessel formed from the phrase ‘this vessel belongs to itself’. 7x6x3″, handwritten porcelain strands fired to cone 5 oxidation, glazed and lustered.
More slip-trailed porcelain…